ISCS, in collaboration with the SOIS, NUS is organizing a sports extravaganza for Indian students which would culminate in an Inter University finale, titled Khel 2010.
The first phase is called Intra-NTU, in which teams from NTU will compete against each other. Thebest 2 teams from every sport will be chosen and they will play against corresponding teams from NUS in the second phase called Inter-University.
The sports that are going to be played, along with important details, are given below:
- Cricket
- Dates: 17th & 24th October
- Maximum 8 teams
- Players per team: 7 players + max 3 substitutes
- Street Soccer
- Dates: 16th & 23rd October
- Maximum 12 teams
- Players per team: 5 players + max 3 substitutes (rolling subs)
- Captain’s Ball
- Dates: 16th & 23rd October
- Maximum 12 teams
- Players per team: 7 players + max 3 substitutes (It is compulsory to have at least 2 girls in the playing 7 and at least 3 girls in the entire team of 10)
- Dates: 30th & 31st October
- The schedule of various sports will be sent to the teams later.
The number of teams for all sports are limited. Hence, registration will be based on a First Come First Serve basis.
So form your teams and send the players’ details (name, phone number, e-mail id) with team nameand team captain latest by 15th October, 5 pm.
The details should be sent by e-mail to and the subject of the e-mail should be the name of the sport. Registered players will be sent details regarding rules, timings etc.
The entry fees for the event is S$ 3/- per player per sport.
If you have queries regarding the above, do not hesitate to call any of the following:
Ankita Gupta (65) 8409 4089
Pranav Ashok (65) 9711 1816
For those of you not interested in participating, please do come down and support your friends, and your university for together we can, and we will, make a difference.